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The Warchant

The Student News Site of Westwood High School

The Student News Site of Westwood High School

The Warchant

The Warchant

The Warchant

Barcelona Soccer club

Barcelona Soccer club

F. G.V. September 29, 2023

Barcelona is a prominent soccer team in Spain; for some people, it is the best team in the world. Barcelona has a lot of history and a huge fanbase. Barcelona is a team with a lot of history and a lot...

Gran Turismo, the real driving simulator

Gran Turismo, the real driving simulator

J.R, student September 25, 2023

What is the term for Gran Turismo? It is an Italian term for cars engineered for "Grand Touring," for long comfort drives. Gran Turismo is a series of simulator/simcades (Arcady but has the feel of simulation...

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