Is Call Of Duty dying? Call Of Duty is a first person shooter video game about war developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. Call Of Duty games go all the way back to the early 2000’s in October 29, 2003 when the very first game was made they called it “Call Of Duty.” The video game Call Of Duty started to get popular around 2007. When Call Of Duty 4/ModernWarfare was released, it was the most popular game in the U.S. more than any other country in the world, and it sold 7 million copies by January 2008.
Throughout the years Call Of Duty games started to rise with more popularity when games like Modern Warfare(2007), Black Ops, and Warzone 1 were released. Modern Warfare brought great gameplay and a new storyline that people loved. Black Ops brought a new storyline, zombies mode, and sold the most copies ever, around 30 million units were sold worldwide when it first came out in 2010. Warzone 1 brought Battle Royale, new mechanics like slide canceling, battle pass, and more attachments on your guns.
You’re probably wondering to yourself how is Call Of Duty dying? Well, not all of their games were hits, games like Black Ops 4, Infinite Warfare, Advanced Warfare, Modern Warfare 2(2022), Call Of Duty Ghosts, and Modern Warfare remastered, were some of the least popular Call Of Duty games to be. These games caused some people to stop playing Call Of Duty games. A big reason why I think Call Of Duty might be dying is because of hackers, hackers have been seen more often ever since Warzone 1 and they completely ruin the fun of the game. Playing Call Of Duty isn’t fun anymore because of people constantly hacking nowadays. It’s hard to tell if you’re playing with a really good player or if it’s a hacker.