I'm so done with this.
Most days I would have my work done. Today is not that day. My writers block is more like a boulder, it makes me feel like there’s no way getting past it. After so many title changes, scrapped ideas, I’m finally writing.
Yup! I’m going back to the basics I suppose, writing what I know. In this case procrastination, I’m aware this won’t be my best work. Once I’m done, I’ll be released from the shackles called class projects. Sitting here typing has got me thinking, surely students can relate to this. I can only cry with them, sad I know. As you can tell, I say sarcastically, I’m stuck again. New idea!
If I were to describe procrastination, which I will, I would describe it as a musty, crusty, stale smell that lingers forever no matter what you do. But, right as you start to lose your mind to such a smell, poof it’s gone! That smell, just like procrastination, has the power to come and go whenever it pleases, it makes me feel inferior.
I just can’t believe it! I haven’t touched this project in so long. This entire time in class, I was either playing Roblox, like an iPad kid, or munching on pop tarts, I’m ashamed for admitting that. That’s the truth though, that I’m the embodiment of a toddler. My 8th grade ELA teacher once told me, “It takes more work to avoid work, I suggest to do the real thing.” Oh brother, was she right. Imagine getting solid advice only for you to ignore it.
This procrastination is a strong one. However, I’m spiteful, I’m not letting this bully win. I suggest you do the same if anything. Be spiteful to your procrastination, trust me its great.