Do you think the material of your clothes keep getting worse? I remember back then, when cloth quality was super good and long lasting . Now everything is cheaper but very low quality even stores that had the best quality in jeans has changed their materials to cheaper ones. Back in the day people used to have fewer clothes that were good quality but now people have a many clothes with low quality and they get rid of it very fast and buy more. The reason for this is that fashion is changing very quickly now in days.
Clothing stores have come up with a way to keep up with fast fashion. They developed a way to come up with an idea of a clothing item and get it in the stores in less than 15 days, when back in the day it used to take more than 9 months to do this, according to a video by More Perfect Union. They do this by putting mini factories in the nearby area so they can create and make the clothing In less than 15 days. Stores start with small batches of clothes and wait for feedback and they keep redesigning and making more clothes in less time and low quality. All that matters to them is for their customers to keep up with the trends with low quality and low prices .
Now the bad part of this is that all the low quality clothes keep getting thrown out. Every week Ghana receives more than 15 million piece of clothing according to ABC news. What once started as donations are now just sitting in their beaches and creating a bad environment for them.