Volleyball is an amazing sport to play and an amazing sport to join in school. It helps with communication and teamwork that helps with your future on learning how to have great teamwork and communication with people, peers, and coworkers. There are many reasons why volleyball is a great sport such as its a good full-body workout, if you been wanting to workout but also have fun volleyball is the perfect thing to do to burn off calories. It can also strengthens muscles like the upper body, arms, shoulder, thighs, abdominals, and lastly the lower legs. Volleyball can also improve your cardiovascular and respiratory health because it’s a continuous movement sport. Volleyball always has you moving such as running, jumping, and quick direction changes. It’s also a great sport to watch and play as just a hobby for fun to just play with family, and friends. There’s two different types of volleyball indoor volleyball where you play on a court inside than there’s beach volleyball where You play outside on a sand court.