Things are looking up here in the Westwood Theatre Company as dance rehearsals give us a promising look into the exciting show ahead. Last week on Monday, our cast of Duloc dancers and Lord Farquaad reviewed the choreography to the dance What’s Up, Duloc. This dance is the embodiment of cute, fun, hilarious and grand!
What does Ridge Millet, (Lord Farquaad), have to say about playing his character?
“Farquaad is so fun to act because he’s literally not real so I can just be as weird as I want and do whatever. But also, my knees want to die,”
It’s great to hear that our cast members are having so much fun with this musical, but let’s all send good thoughts and prayers to their knees. Ridge has to act and dance the entirety of his role on his knees due to the comedic height of his character; and the Duloc dancers also have their fair share of knee dancing.
Ashley Bauer Webb, the choreographer, is doing an incredible job, and Rhiannon Pierce, dance captain, helps out the cast a great amount.
“I love Ashley and the choreography. She is so sweet. I just love all of it,” continues Ridge Millet and everyone in the cast agrees. She’s done a great job so far not only with the actual choreography but by teaching the dances so soon and efficiently, so that the cast will have plenty of time to practice, clean up, and immerse themselves in the musical.
Stay updated with the progress of this production on War Chant News, and be sure not to miss it November 14-16!